- 1984
- Established the Shinyou-jouhou Center (Currently Credit Information Center CORP.)
- 1985
- Started service
- 1987
- Started "CRIN" service
- 1991
- Changed the corporation name to Credit Information center
- 1992
- CIC system center structured around own host computer
- 1993
- Developed cryptographic software (CIC Lock)
Received special designation from Ministry of International Trade and Industry as a company in the data service industry implementing a security program
- 1995
- Consumer credit information database contains over 100 million records
- 1996
- Introduced a home page on the internet
Inaugurated the backup center at Osaka
- 1998
- Establishment of Security Inspection Department and Central Data Control Office
- 2001
- Self-Imposed Rules Regarding Protection and Utilization of Consumer Credit Information in the consumer credit industry
Became a member of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations ("Keidanren")
- 2002
- Certified Information security management system (ISMS)
Consumer credit information database contains over 200 million records
- 2003
- Consumer credit information database contains over 300 million records
- 2004
- Relocated the head office
Certified BS7799 (System center)
- 2005
- Consumer credit information database contains over 400 million records
- 2006
- The backup center moved to Okayama
Start of operation of new-mission-critical system
- 2007
- Certified ISO/IEC 27001:2005 (System center)
- 2008
- Start of operation of registration system that corresponds to the Money Lending Business Act, and start accepting of registration of information
- 2009
- Start of operation of inquiry system that corresponds to the Money Lending Business Act
Consumer credit information database contains over 500 million records
- 2010
- Start accepting of registration of credit information that corresponds to the Installment Sales Act Designated as the Designated Credit Bureau under the Money Lending Business Act
Designated as the Designated Credit Bureau under the Installment Sales Act